ELC 2023 Pass Giveaway
#managing_yourself I got a hold of some passes for ELC 2023 this year. If you don't know what ELC is then read on.
This is an out-of-cycle newsletter, but I have a good reason to send it because of two magic words: free stuff.
Get ready to level up your tech career! The annual ELC 2023 conference is coming up on August 30 to August 31st, a must-attend event for all technologists in engineering. This year's line-up is packed with industry leaders and innovators who will be sharing their insights on pivotal leadership moments, generative AI, software development in 2033 (not a typo), building vs buying decisions, and much more.
From Thuan Pham, former CTO of Uber & Coupang discussing career decision-making, to Tara Hernandez from MongoDB envisioning software development in 2033, and Rong Yan from Hubspot sharing expert insights for smart choices – there's something for everyone. For folks on my list where we’ve worked at the same companies, there’s more than a few featured speakers we consider friends.
Jerry Li, the co-founder of ELC has graciously given me a few standard passes to hand out to folks which is over $1,000 in value. If you’re interested in receiving a pass from us, please fill out this Google form and I’ll arbitrarily pick some people who really want to go.